Press Releases

Tuesday distributions bring total to $35,000 in last month

State Treasurer John Perdue presented Tuesday nearly $22,000 to six area faith-based institutions, marking $35,000 of unclaimed assets returned to such organizations in the last month.

Treasurer Perdue presents a check to the Rev. Lawrence Gallagher Foundation’s Anita Casey.
Four churches, a foundation and Habitat for Humanity were all presented unclaimed property checks in a ceremony at Teays Valley Presbyterian Church. The latter church received its own unclaimed property funds.


The largest check going to rightful owners went the Rev. Lawrence Gallagher Foundation, which honors the work of a past priest at Charleston’s St. Agnes Catholic Church. Foundation representatives had returned to them $8,549.75.

Others receiving checks included:

·         The Glorious Church of God in Huntington -- $2,982.71

·         Second Presbyterian Church in Huntington -- $1,924.92

·         Spirit Life Fellowship in Dunbar -- $1,549.52

·         Teays Valley Presbyterian Church -- $1,371.20

·         Habitat for Humanity, Kanawha-Putnam -- $4,785.03

Last month, the Treasurer’s Office issued approximately $13,000 to churches in Jackson, Mason and Wood counties, bringing the two-month total to about $35,000. The Treasurer’s Office initiated contact with the churches through the work of field representatives.  

“Our faith communities play a large part in the lives of many, many people,” Treasurer Perdue said. “But it takes money to run a church. Hopefully being reunited with lost funds will make their ministries easier to undertake. We’re delighted to present these checks.”

Sources of Tuesday’s returned funds ran the gamut, including dormant stock dividends, mature certificates of deposits and a gas company refund.

Unclaimed property is any financial asset from which an individual has become separated. Examples are abandoned safe deposit box contents; a left-behind utility deposit; uncashed stock dividends; and a forgotten final paycheck or bank account.

To watch a video clip of today's event click here.

The Treasury does not collect state taxes. Visit the The West Virginia State Tax Department for assistance.

West Virginia State Treasurer's Office
1900 Kanawha Boulevard
Capitol Complex Building #1, Room E-145
Charleston, West Virginia 25305
304-558-5000 Toll Free: 800-422-7498

Copyright 2025 by West Virginia State Treasurer's Office