Press Releases

State Treasurer John Perdue’s e-Government program accepted $493 million from state agencies and other entities in fiscal 2017, with the Municipal Bond Commission topping the chart.

E-Government allows those who do business with the state to use either credit/debit cards or have payments automatically deducted through the Treasury’s automated clearinghouse system. The fiscal 2017 totals are roughly equal to the fiscal 2016 totals. The program has grown steadily in use since 2001.

“We’re happy to continue to offer the use of this valuable program,” Treasurer Perdue said. “One of the hallmarks of my administration is the use and expansion of technology. I want our citizens to be able to do business with the state as easy and efficiently as possible.”

The Municipal Bond Commission collects payments from bond issuers and pays them through the e-Government system. It processed all its $115.7 million by automated clearinghouse to lead e-Government use for the third straight year.

Behind the Bond Commission in dollar amount is West Virginia University. WVU students chose to use the ACH and credit card systems. Students paid $77 million through ACH and another $28 million by credit card for a total of $105 million.

Three other users cracked the $50 million barrier: Workforce West Virginia ($78.9 million); PEIA ($53 million); and the Consolidated Public Retirement Board ($51.1 million). Workforce funnels unemployment benefits through e-Government. PEIA pays insurance claims. The retirement board pays pension benefits through the system.

Among the highest number of transaction users were the Secretary of State’s Office, where business incorporation and other fees are charged; the Division of Motor Vehicles, by which users may pay license fees; and the Division of Natural Resources, which allows the payment of hunting and fishing licenses online.

The Treasury does not collect state taxes. Visit the The West Virginia State Tax Department for assistance.

West Virginia State Treasurer's Office
1900 Kanawha Boulevard
Capitol Complex Building #1, Room E-145
Charleston, West Virginia 25305
304-558-5000 Toll Free: 800-422-7498

Copyright 2025 by West Virginia State Treasurer's Office