Press Releases

State Treasurer John Perdue’s office will begin on Sept. 22 distribution of its “Discover” publication, which twice a year lists about 13,000 names of people due unclaimed property. The distribution will run through Oct. 6.

Unclaimed property is any financial asset from which an individual has become separated. Examples include a forgotten utility deposit, a left-behind final paycheck or abandoned safe deposit box contents.            

Discover is inserted into the largest newspaper in each county, with some copies direct mailed to households. It contains names previously not advertised. One whose name is in the list may call the Treasurer’s Office at 1-800-642-8687 for assistance; fill out the paper inquiry form included in the insert; or go to and file a claim on-line. The website also includes a database of many more additional names from which to search.     

“Traditionally our newspaper inserts are quite effective in getting the word out about who has unclaimed property waiting,” Treasurer Perdue said. “It works in two time-proven ways – either people see their names listed in the bulletin or someone tells them. Word of mouth still works.”

With each Discover publication, an inside article or two helps illuminate the subject. Two people who received unclaimed property recently both found out about their assets through the spring insert. Their stories are told.

Also included in the upcoming insert is the feel-good account of Gary Cohen, reunited with an inheritance of $169,000. Cohen selflessly paid off his two daughters’ mortgages with his windfall.

“They’ve always put a smile on my face so this is my turn to put a smile on their faces,” Cohen said.

The Treasury does not collect state taxes. Visit the The West Virginia State Tax Department for assistance.

West Virginia State Treasurer's Office
1900 Kanawha Boulevard
Capitol Complex Building #1, Room E-145
Charleston, West Virginia 25305
304-558-5000 Toll Free: 800-422-7498

Copyright 2025 by West Virginia State Treasurer's Office