Press Releases

State Treasurer John Perdue’s office is holding its latest online unclaimed property auction, featuring several items of interest for jewelry and currency collectors.

One “lot,” or grouping of items, features five 10- and 14-karat rings, with a minimum bid of $375. The rings and other items may be viewed by going to the Treasurer’s Office website at and clicking on Unclaimed Property and Auctions.

Among items that have already received bids: 300 United States dimes; 42 Franklin half-dollars from 1951 to 1963; an 1886 $5 gold coin; a 14-karat, 1937 Seton Hall University class ring; and a lot of six 14-karat rings. The auction runs until March 2.

“We certainly hope Mountain State residents will take a look at what is up for bid,” Treasurer Perdue said. “It’s so easy to get great deals on collectibles without ever leaving your house. Collectible items are a staple of safe deposit boxes, for obvious reasons. They are valuable.”

The Treasurer’s Office has grossed approximately $535,750 in auction sales, both online and live, since fiscal 2012. Most items come from abandoned safe deposit boxes and law enforcement seizures.

Funds raised from the law enforcement side go to the respective police agency that submitted them for auction. Safe deposit box proceeds remain in the account of the rightful owner as the office makes continued attempts to find the person. 

Office staffers accumulate an adequate amount of items before holding an auction. The safe deposit box contents are only declared abandoned after five years of no activity.

The Treasury does not collect state taxes. Visit the The West Virginia State Tax Department for assistance.

West Virginia State Treasurer's Office
1900 Kanawha Boulevard
Capitol Complex Building #1, Room E-145
Charleston, West Virginia 25305
304-558-5000 Toll Free: 800-422-7498

Copyright 2025 by West Virginia State Treasurer's Office