The Treasury does not collect state taxes. Visit the The West Virginia State Tax Department for assistance.

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Managing The State's Money
The State Treasurer is the chief financial officer for the state and is responsible for overseeing the state’s operating funds, monitoring the state’s debt and performing additional banking and accounting duties as prescribed by state law. The Treasurer also serves as a member of the major financial decision-making boards throughout state government.

Over the years, the office has widened its scope of duties beyond basic treasury functions. The State Treasurer now advocates for citizens’ rights through several programs mandated by state code and other valuable initiatives.

Court Fee Remittance
Debt Management
Electronic Payment Forms
Participant Accounting
Remittance Processing
Revenue Distributions

Securing Your Money
State Treasurer John Perdue manages roughly $13 billion in state revenue and proudly boasts Standard and Poor’s AAAm rating for the Board of Treasury Investments two money market pools. The Cash Management Division manages the state’s operating fund and processes all state receipts and disbursements. The office also provides online bill-paying services for the state and a variety of government subdivisions.



Where is my payment?
To assist with payment questions, the Cash Management Division offers the payment hotline.

Call the payment hotline at: 1.866.243.9010 or 304.558.3599

Email the payment hotline at:

Search & Claim
Track Your Claim
Holder Reporting
Online Property Auctions
Firearm Auctions
Take Our Survey

Returning Your Money
Millions of dollars are left unclaimed in West Virginia every year, and some of it could belong to you or a loved one! State Treasurer John Perdue's efforts to return unclaimed property have gained national attention from news programs such as ABC's Good Morning America, NBC's Today Show and the CBS Evening News. It is our duty at the West Virginia State Treasurer's Office to reunite people with their lost assets. We want that process to be easy. Search your name, submit a claim, and check your claim status for FREE.

Unclaimed Property Division

322 70th Street, SE,
Charleston, WV 25304
Activity Center
Get A Life
Personal Finance

Planning for the Future 
Thanks to State Treasurer John Perdue’s commitment to providing access to higher education, nearly 120,000 students have taken advantage of West Virginia’s SMART529 college savings program. With assets of more than $2 billion, the program boasts a top rating from the web site Likewise, West Virginia Retirement Plus, the state’s supplemental retirement plan for public employees, is providing an extra savings opportunity for thousands of people.

Please take a moment to see if these programs or any of our other resources may benefit you.

The Treasury does not collect state taxes. Visit the The West Virginia State Tax Department for assistance.

West Virginia State Treasurer's Office
1900 Kanawha Boulevard
Capitol Complex Building #1, Room E-145
Charleston, West Virginia 25305
304-558-5000 Toll Free: 800-422-7498

Copyright 2025 by West Virginia State Treasurer's Office